Facebook unveils project to provide broadband to more than 1.6 billion people

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Facebook has announced two new projects aimed at providing fast wireless Internet access to more than 1.6 billion people live in areas where a weak Internet connection is available, or even where no communication is not available.

The Facebook revealed last year for Aquila Aquila project which is about drone use the Internet broadcast from the air, only to new projects which have been announced them today aim to provide wider coverage at a lower cost.

The first project carries Taragrav Terragraph name and the idea is to equip lampposts in the streets and small buildings set of advanced antennas operating technology WiGig is one of the latest generation of wireless connectivity and provides high-speed data transfer, and will these antennas internet broadcast on the frequency of 60 GHz, a frequency is user in most countries of the world. Although this frequency does not possess the ability to penetrate walls, but it is suitable for the goals of Facebook that you want to deliver the Internet to the street level.

The second project is ARIES aims to deliver wireless Internet on larger areas include more than 90 percent of the world's population living within the rural areas, 40 km from the city centers. Will depend on the project's 96 main stations aerobically stationed in the cities allows the delivery of the Internet to areas outside.

Facebook has said it aims to increase connection speeds ten-fold and reduce the cost tenfold and will begin testing the technique Taragrav in the city of San Jose in the US later this year.

The Facebook announced its new projects within the F8 developers conference which will be held between 12 and April 13 / April 2016, the company has announced a range of new services and features you can follow them from here.
