Launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, Dubai's strategic three-dimensional printing, which is a unique global initiative aims to harness this promising technology for the service of man and promote the status of the UAE and Dubai as a leading center in the region and the world in three-dimensional printing by 2030.
He also asserted the seriousness of the UAE and the ongoing quest to achieve global leadership in the industry and the future by relying on future innovations and employment of human energies and creative minds to launch aimed at the entire humanitarian community service initiatives.
He said: "Our vision for the development proceed from a profound understanding of the needs of the future and provide proactive ideas, because we want to be in first place globally, and our methodology in the development based on the launch of initiatives that can be applied anywhere around the world and creating a global model adds not only to our economy but the global economy value ".
And Abizaid: "The future does not wait for the undecided nor Almtbatian, and today we started completing the steps in strengthening the national economy and the world our competitiveness, we launched a few days ago, the future agenda, and we began to translate them through initiatives and strategies that add value to human life and the national economy."
His Highness said in the same context: "the United Arab Emirates to the world today provide the first integrated and comprehensive strategy to harness the three-dimensional technology to serve humanity, not only that, but we put practical plans and decreed goals to turn it into reality, and the reality of contributing to the progress and prosperity of the world and the preservation of our heritage and humanitarian Mrotna ".
HRH stressed: "The future will be based on three-dimensional printing will enter this technology in all the details of our lives, from the houses in which we inhabit and the streets that we walk by and the cars we drive and the clothes we wear and the end of the food we eat.
He added: "create this technology an economic value of up to billions of dollars in the coming period and we should share in this growing global market, as would this technology restructuring economies and labor markets, there will be no need of a few labor skill to the extent that we are witnessing today, especially in the industrial and construction sectors , as it would re-definition of productivity, it takes time is printed in buildings or products does not equal 10% of the time spent on construction or traditional methods of production. "
His Highness said: "Our goal is to be 25% of Dubai's buildings are made three-dimensional technology to print by 2030 this will have risen with the development and maturation of the global technology, as well as the growth of market demand, which will realize the importance of this technology to re-invent the construction sector through cost reduction and reduce the time it takes to implement the projects and reduce the number of workers, as well as reduce the waste resulting from construction and environmentally friendly ratio. It will also focus on other vital sectors such as medicine and consumables that will allow them this freedom of technology design and implementation of goods and products at competitive prices. "
He added: "We aspire to the state and across the three-dimensional printing strategy to become in the coming years to develop this technology and to provide research and development processes, which enable the provision of better opportunities for innovation and application optimized its worldwide global hub. Our goal is to raise the level of services provided to the people, we will be proactive in the development of three-dimensional printing techniques and harnessed for the benefit of the entire community. "
He called his all government agencies and private sector companies, universities and research centers and academic institutions to work as a team in order to establish a universal model recreated by the hands of the UAE to serve as a platform for innovators from all over the world in this futuristic technology.
3 key sectors and 5 axes of the strategy
The focus of Dubai's strategy three-dimensional printing, which aims to make Dubai as a global capital of technology printing three-dimensional by 2025 on three major sectors: construction, medical products, consumer products, depending on the emirate of Dubai features and competitive future.
The focus will be in the construction sector and building on lighting products, rules and foundations, joints, construction, utilities, parks, buildings humanitarian cases and buildings mobile in addition to galleries, stores and residential villas, where is expected to reach the value of the construction sector printed three-dimensional printing technology in Dubai, construction is about 3 billion dirhams by 2025, which will increase the proportion of printing three-dimensional buildings in Dubai is gradually and by 2% from the beginning of the year 2019 and is likely to increase this percentage, according to the rapid development of technology and reliability in the future.
Within the medical products sector will focus on printing dentures, artificial bones and organ printing, medical and surgical devices and models of hearing, where it is expected that the size of the printed products market up medical technology to print three-dimensional in Dubai about 1.7 billion dirhams by 2025.
Within the consumer products sector will focus on household items, optics, fashion jewelry, children's games and fast food, it is also expected that the volume of consumer products printed up-market technology, three-dimensional printing in Dubai about 2.8 billion dirhams by 2025.
The strategy revolves around five main themes, namely: infrastructure, legislative structure, talent, financing, and market demand.
Where you will be working within the legislative structure put the focus on the regulatory and legislative framework for the use of technology within the various sectors. As will be set specifications for materials that will be used in the print within the different sectors and uses, and will work through the infrastructure to provide the infrastructure that is equipped with and supportive of the activities of research and development, design, manufacturing associated with three-dimensional printing technology, and a magnet for the world's largest companies in this field.
Emphasis will be placed through the axis of talent to build local talent capabilities of researchers and designers, innovators and bring the best minds and innovative around the world in three-dimensional printing, as for the focus of funding Vestm provide financing alternatives provide support and investment necessary to develop technology and expand its scope of application.
With respect to the axis of the market demand, it will promote the application of technology within the various sectors which contributes to push prices of their products to competitive levels while maintaining quality.
Key partners and concerted efforts to achieve the objectives of the strategy
And will be on the implementation of the strategic key points including: Dubai Municipality, Dubai Health Authority and Dubai Holding, where the Dubai strategy designed three-dimensional printing to government efforts of institutions and private sector partnerships format to unify the visions of the future of the path of the development of Dubai, and the employment of local innovation and global expertise. Dubai will also contribute to the future of a major role in organizing these efforts and put it in the framework set in plans to achieve the strategy.
Effective and innovative initiatives
Dubai Municipality is also considered one of the most important government agencies involved in the implementation of Dubai's strategy for printing three-dimensional launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, so as to make 25% of the buildings of Dubai print technology to print three-dimensional by 2030 through the study of the use of existing technologies in the present locally and how to attract the industry's leading global companies, as well as the optimal mechanism for the success of the process of transformation of the traditional construction methods of analysis to the construction using three-dimensional printing technology.
And it embodied the participation of Dubai Municipality in achieving its strategic targets by launching and organizing a number of projects and initiatives across four main stages. Where the establishment phase includes the preparation of a comprehensive study for the manufacture of three-dimensional printing, especially in the field of buildings and mechanisms of polarization, and contribute to the regulation of the Organization of the registration process and the qualification and licensing, implementation and follow-up monitoring and modification and legislation, as well as coordination with the dealers of government and developers and manufacturers, information retrieval and dissemination of technology companies and departments culture change.
The aim of rehabilitation phase to regularize the status codes for the manufacture of printing building materials, systems and specifications, hardware and technical standards of sustainability and maintenance project, in addition to the adoption and registration, classification and educate engineers and local and international companies, and work to laboratories for testing and measuring the local and international accreditation processing and preparation of cadres and electronic systems for operations licensing and oversight of implementation and continuous inspection.
And begin the third stage which is the implementation phase through the launch of the first pilot project with Dubai Holding, and attracting developers to adopt another prototype projects, as well as to attract the private sector and consultants to adopt the processes of transformation towards printing buildings through a combination of a direct impact incentives. The development phase includes assessment through several measures and performance indicators covering all the previous stages and developing them, and drafting work agreements with key developers to develop three-dimensional printing technology sector, strengthen the local proliferation and regional and international.
As Ststhm DHA in the implementation of the strategic outcomes within the medical products sector by creating an enabling environment and put controls, specifications and requirements for the application of technology in the medical sector as well as promoting Dubai as a global hub for medical products printed three-dimensional printing technology, and finally build global partnerships with key players of Technology in the medical sector.
Dubai Holding will also play an essential role in the implementation and support of Dubai's strategic three-dimensional printing through an integrated city with a laboratory and center to incubate and innovators, designers and creators, in addition to organizing workshops and training courses. This is in addition to attract specialized in three-dimensional printing field of international companies and provide necessary support and facilities for the growth of its business, including a positive impact on the maturation of the technology.
Dubai International Conference for three-dimensional printing
As will be through strategic organizing a global conference for printing three-dimensional for a global platform to discuss the latest technology in this field in addition to exploring the future, the conference will focus on attracting the most important key players in this emerging designers and manufacturers and technology as well as representatives of regulators developers sector under one umbrella to discuss developments in three-dimensional printing, and advanced materials used in the printing process and future designs, the regulatory and legislative aspects in addition to the discovery of the most promising markets and sectors and that can be the future of this technology applied.
Agenda for the future and translating process
The fall initiative under the Cities of the Future program, which aims to launch strategies and projects specialist with future character verification global precedence Emirates and add economic and social value, which is a program of the cities of the future, a pop-up from Dubai's agenda for the future, which was launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President Programs State, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, may Allah protect him, the beginning of this week.
The future of the printing industry a three-dimensional
It is anticipated that the value of the market sector, three-dimensional printing technology worldwide about $ 120 billion by the year 2020, and about $ 300 billion by 2025, thanks to the increase in research and product development activities, and the increasing need for more creativity in the design process, and easily
Production and manufacturing in various sectors thanks to the use of this advanced technology capable of making any steel object from a digital model are designed on computers and make a quantum leap in the world of industry.
Reports indicate the role of three-dimensional printing techniques in providing construction cost by between 50% to 70%, and the cost of labor by between 50% to 80%, in addition to waste reduction ratio resulting from construction operations by up to 60%, which reflected positively the economic returns of the sector and contribute to the sustainability of the environment and resources.
Majoring North America, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom and other developed countries, nations large budgets in the development of three-dimensional printing techniques in various fields such as medicine, industry, automotive and aviation.
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