A spokesman at Sony Sony Corporation told the site Polygon Polygon about the intention of the company to provide verification feature two-step Two Factor Authentication for accounts PlayStation PlayStation Network network and used by the players in the games PlayStation platforms 4 PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable PlayStation Portable, in addition to the network's web site.
The same speaker for the site Polygon This news where it was stated that it will provide details later about the new feature without specifying a date, where he appeared a message confirming the existence of this feature without having been activated in the latest update to the platform PlayStation 3 within the screenshot the participation user on Twitter .
The confirmation Sony to add this feature comes after five years to penetrate the service, where a hack then to stop the work of the network, and leaking data of 77 million users, and the network continued to work then stopped for a period of 23 days.
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