Canonical upgraded the company to a distribution of Linux's most famous Ubuntu Ubuntu launched a new version number 16.04 and codenamed Xenial Xerus, which is the biggest update to the open-source operating system two years ago.
The new update brings with improvements on several levels, notably the interface Unity 7.4, which provided a better experience, including the default deactivation of the feature that integrates local search with the search over the Internet and that have soured a lot of users because of concerns about privacy. It also provided the interface change the location of applications run from the left of the screen to the bottom bar horizontally.
The biggest change could be the cancellation of the Ubuntu Applications Center Ubuntu Software Center, who was replaced by applying GNOME Software previously approved within the Fedora distro Fedora. In addition to support for the packages of the kind Deb Pat Ubuntu also supports Snaps packages that make it easier to install applications from external sources that are not in the formal part of the Ubuntu repositories. Snaps where packages include all the files and libraries, application-specific, and can install itself without affecting or rely on other files in the operating system.
It was also in the latest version of Ubuntu delete some of the applications that were previously available by default, such as the application of Brasero for CD burning and the application of immediate Empathy talks, and added some new applications such as calendar GNOME Calendar and web application Cheese camera, was upgraded copy the Linux kernel Linux Kernel to version 4.4, which provides better support for devices operating with slices of Intel Skylake.
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