Yahoo Mail on Android now supports add attachments to Google Drive and Drop Box and more

Received e-mail application from Yahoo's Yahoo Mail on the new update supports playback of Android system, in this update which carries a version Yahoo Mail No. 5.4.3 was it brought a lot of new and wonderful choices, the most prominent of these additions application support now to add documents, photos ,, etc in attachments from across the Google Drive service and drop Box, also can write a message with an animated GIF images, where the application is now supports sending animation combined search and find these pictures from across the application with ease.
As well as bringing update widget on the home screen of the phone enables the user to do things a Butla Review the latest e-mails that have been received, and to see the user's mailbox, the latest creation of a mail message quickly without having to search for the application and open it.
Finally brought Altjdatamkanah delete drafts immediately in case the user wants to cancel the message that he intended to write them, but now to get the update you can move on to page Yahoo Mail application on the Google Play Store here.
